Euer Lied - Lasst uns die beste Version kreieren
L. Cohen - Hallelujah
M. David, A. Hoffman & J. Livingstone - So this is love aus "Cinderella"
M. David, A. Hoffman & J. Livingstone - A Dream is a wish your heart makes aus "Cinderella"
L. Einaudi - Nuvole Bianchi
S. Fain & J. Lawrence - Once upon a Dream aus "Sleeping Beauty"
M. Gordon & H. Warren - At last
N. Hess - Filmmusik aus "Ladies in Lavender"
B. Howard - Fly me to the Moon
J. Hurwitz - Mia and Sebatian's Theme aus "La La Land"
B. E. King, J. Leiber & M. Stoller - Stand by me
J. Legend - All of me
J. Lennon - Imagine
H. Mancini - Moon River aus "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
A. McBroom - The Rose
C. Perri - A thousand years
E. Piaf & L. Guglielmi - La vie en rose
C. Porter - Let's do it (let's fall in love)
E. Sheeran - Perfect
A. Silvestri - Forrest Gump theme
K. Svoboda - Theme Song aus "Drei Nüsse für Aschenbrödel"
N. Uematsu - Thema der Liebe aus "Final Fantasy"
G. D. Weiss & B. Thiele - What a wonderful World
G. D. Weiss, L. Creatore & H. Peretti - Can't help falling in love
R. Williams & Guy Chambers - Angels
Yiruma - River flows in you